The Scientific Program of the Congress will include ORAL PRESENTATIONS & e-POSTERS.

Those who are interested are invited to submit online the Abstract of their presentation or research until 28th of February, 2023.
Abstracts must be submitted ONLY online via the Congress website.

Abstracts submitted by fax or electronically without using the online submission form will NOT be accepted.
All interested parties are kindly requested to study carefully the preparation and submission instructions in order to have a “Successful Submission” of their Abstract.

Important Dates
Deadline for the Submission of Abstracts: February 28th, 2023
Date of Informing about Acceptance /Rejection of Abstracts: May 31st, 2023

Instructions for preparation & submission of abstracts
To submit the Abstract, read carefully the instructions and then click on the e-form.

Submission of Abstracts

• Language
The Abstract must be submitted in the English language in Word format.
• Size
The content of the Abstract should not exceed 250 wordsTable
• Fonts
Fonts should be Times New Roman, size 11
The Abstract should include the following sections:
o Introduction - Aim
o Material /Method
o Results
o Conclusions
Final formatting will not include paragraph spacing.
• Title
The Title of the Abstract should appear in BOLD, Upper Case letters (all Capital Letters). Do not use abbreviations (other than scientific ones). The title must not exceed 25 words.
• Affiliation Details
In this field Affiliations of All Authors must be filled in (Department /Hospital /University /Foundation/ Institute etc). Use Numbering to correspond every Author with their Affiliation. Every Affiliation will be registered only once (not to be repeated for each Author). Should an Author have more than one Affiliation, use more than one Number (e.g. G. Papadopoulos 1,2).
• Authors
The e-Form must be filled in by the Author who will be the Contact Person. The names of Authors (initial letter of first name and full surname) should be written in Lower Case characters (only the initial letters in Upper Case, e.g. G. Papadopoulos). It is also mandatory to underline the name of the Presenter (author presenting the paper) as well as his/her Scientific Title. Authors should not be more than eight (8).

• Before submitting electronically your abstract, check for any potential errors or omissions. Once accepted, the abstract will be published exactly as it has been submitted. Should there be need for any corrections, changes, additions or removals, these must be sent to the Professional Congress Organizer (PCO) prior to the Abstract Submission Deadline.

• Do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract. Avoid submitting a new Abstract to replace the previous one without first informing the Professional Congress Organizer (PCO).

All accepted papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, who will classify them in thematic sessions and determine their final presentation type (Oral Presentation or Poster presentation). To determine the presentation type of every paper, the Scientific Committee will take into account both the authors’ preferred type of presentation and the organizational needs of the Congress. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject a paper if it does not meet the above requirements.

Once submitting your Abstract, you will receive an automatic reply to the e-mail address registered in the e-form confirming its successful submission.
Should you not receive the confirmation notification, you will have to resubmit your abstract, as this would mean unsuccessful submission of the form and failure of being recorded in the database. Or else, you can contact the Professional Congress Organizer (PCO) to have the problem resolved.

The Authors will receive notification about the acceptance or rejection of their paper, as well as all information relevant to their paper, on March 31st, 2023 with a reply letter to the e-mail address that has been registered in the e-form.

1. In order for an Abstract to be included and presented in the Scientific Program of the Congress, it is required that at least one of the Authors of each abstract has paid the registration fee {pre-registration must be made at least three (3) weeks prior to the Congress date in order to have the participation confirmed}.
2. Abstracts must be authentic and original. Papers that have been published in the past will not be accepted.

For any further information /clarification /remark regarding your abstract, you can contact the Congress Secretariat.

Tel.: +30 2310 226250,
Coordinator : Vaso Voulgaropoulou

Riga Feraiou & Andrea Zakou, Christina Center,
Zip Postal Code 58256, 3732, Limassol, Cyprus
Telephone: +357 99812240, +30 2310 226250